CSAT Solution
UPSC Prelims CSAT 2024 Solution
UPSC Prelims CSAT Solution 2024:
Expert-reviewed solutions and in-depth explanations for the UPSC Civil Services Prelims CSAT paper. Access thorough breakdowns, professional commentary, and crucial takeaways to assess your exam performance and gear up for the Mains. Answers uploaded promptly after the official exam paper is published.
Q. The calendar for the year 2025 is same for
Q. What is the angle between the minute hand and hour hand when the clock shows 4:25 hours?
Q. What is the number of fives used in numbering a 260-page book?
Q. What is the sum of the first 28 terms in the following sequence?
Q. 32^5 + 2^27 is divisible by
Question: What are the unique values of x and y, where x, y are distinct natural numbers?
A certain amount was distributed among X, Y and Z. Question: Who received the least amount?
Question: If the average marks in a class are 60, then what is the number of students in the class?
Question: Is (x + y) an integer?
A person buys three articles p, q and r for 50. The price of the article q is 16 which is the least.
P, Q, R and S appeared in a test. Question: Has P scored more marks than Q?
Statement: India is the world’s largest producer of milk.
Question: What are the values of m and n where m and n are natural numbers?
Question: What is the time required to download the software?
Main Statement: Pradeep becomes either a Director or a Producer.
1. If 2x(S)3y and 3x(T)4z, then 9y(P)8z. 2. If x(Q)2y and y(R)z, then x(R)z.
Q. What will come in place of * in the sequence 3, 14, 39, 84, *, 258?
Not every voice on the internet commands the same kind of audience.
We take it for granted now that science has a social responsibility.
“The history of science is the real history of mankind.”
When a child reaches adolescence, there is apt to be a conflict between the parents and the child,
Now-a-days there is a growing trend to use interconnected home devices.
Unlike religion and science, poetry does not posit or expect any belief in absolute truths.