CSAT Solution

UPSC Prelims CSAT 2024 Solution

UPSC Prelims CSAT Solution 2024:

Expert-reviewed solutions and in-depth explanations for the UPSC Civil Services Prelims CSAT paper. Access thorough breakdowns, professional commentary, and crucial takeaways to assess your exam performance and gear up for the Mains. Answers uploaded promptly after the official exam paper is published.

Q. Let X be a two-digit number and Y be another two-digit number formed by interchanging the digits of X. If (X+Y) is the greatest two-digit number, then what is the number of possible values of X?

Q. Consider the following: Weight of 6 boys = Weight of 7 girls = Weight of 3 men = Weight of 4 women If the average weight of the women is 63 kg, then what is the average weight of the boys?

Q. How many times the hour hand and the minute hand coincide in a clock between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. (same day)?

Q. The calendar for the year 2025 is same for

Q. Let p, q, r and s be distinct positive integers. Let p, q be odd and r, s be even. Consider the following statements:

Q. What is the angle between the minute hand and hour hand when the clock shows 4:25 hours?

Q. What is the number of fives used in numbering a 260-page book?

Q. What is the sum of the first 28 terms in the following sequence?

Q. A person buys three articles P, Q and R for ₹ 3,330. If P costs 25% more than R and R costs 20% more than Q, then what is the cost of P?

Q. If the sum of the two-digit numbers AB and CD is the three-digit number 1CE, where the letters A, B, C, D, E denote distinct digits, then what is the value of A?

Q. Three numbers x, y, z are selected from the set of the first seven natural numbers such that x > 2y > 3z. How many such distinct triplets (x, y, z) are possible?

Q. The total cost of 4 oranges, 6 mangoes and 8 apples is equal to twice the total cost of 1 orange, 2 mangoes and 5 apples.

Q. 32^5 + 2^27 is divisible by

Q. Let p and q be positive integers satisfying p<q and p+q=k. What is the smallest value of k that does not determine p and q uniquely?

Q. A person walks 100 m straight from his house, turns left and walks 100 m, again turns left and walks 300 m, then turns right and walks 100 m to reach his office. In which direction does he walk initially from his house if his office is exactly in the North-East direction?

Q. A person walks 100 m Westward, then turns left and walks 100 m. He then takes a 225° turn clockwise. In which direction is he walking now?

Question: What are the unique values of x and y, where x, y are distinct natural numbers?

A certain amount was distributed among X, Y and Z. Question: Who received the least amount?

Question: If the average marks in a class are 60, then what is the number of students in the class?

There are three distinct prime numbers whose sum is a prime number. Question: What are those three numbers?

Question: Is (x + y) an integer?

A person buys three articles p, q and r for 50. The price of the article q is 16 which is the least.

P, Q, R and S appeared in a test. Question: Has P scored more marks than Q?

Statement: India is the world’s largest producer of milk.

Question: What are the values of m and n where m and n are natural numbers?

Question: What is the time required to download the software?

Age of each of P and Q is less than 100 years but more than 10 years. If you interchange the digits of the age of P, the number represents the age of Q.

Main Statement: Pradeep becomes either a Director or a Producer.

Q. If a+b means a-b; a-b means axb; axb means a÷b; a÷b means a+b, then what is the value of 10+30-100 x 50÷25? (Operations are to be replaced simultaneously)

1. If 2x(S)3y and 3x(T)4z, then 9y(P)8z. 2. If x(Q)2y and y(R)z, then x(R)z.

Q. If in a certain code, ‘ABCD’ is written as 24 and ‘EFGH’ is written as 1680, then how is ‘IJKL’ written in that code?

Q. If in a certain code, ‘POT’ is written as ATOP and ‘TRAP’ is written as APART, then how is ‘ARENA’ written in that code?

Q. What will come in place of * in the sequence 3, 14, 39, 84, *, 258?

Q. In some code, letters P, Q, R, S, T represent numbers 4, 5, 10, 12, 15. It is not known which letter represents which number. If Q-S= 2S and T=R+S+3, then what is the value of P+R-T?

As inflation rises, even governments previously committed to budget discipline are spending freely to help households.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, one-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally.

Today, if we consider cities such as New York, London and Paris as some of the most iconic cities in the world, it is because plans carrying a heavy systems approach were imposed on their precincts.

Not every voice on the internet commands the same kind of audience.

By the time children reach class 8, the bulk of them tend to be in the age range of 13 years to 15 years.

We take it for granted now that science has a social responsibility.

“The history of science is the real history of mankind.”

Only with long experience and opening of his wares on many a beach where his language is not spoken, will the merchant come to know the worth of what he carries, and what is parochial and what is universal in his choice.

Conventional classrooms, by emphasizing fixed duration over learning effectiveness, resign themselves to variable outcomes.

When a child reaches adolescence, there is apt to be a conflict between the parents and the child,

When an international team of pumped a carbon dioxide and water mix into underground basalt rocks, basic chemistry took over.

Geographers analyzed 175 satellite images of ocean colour, which is an indicator of Phytoplankton productivity

Evolution has endowed caterpillars that feed on corn with a unique ability, they can induce the plant to turn off its defence against insect predators.

In a robust democracy, reality, howsoever inconvenient it may be, finds its expression both in the speech of political leaders and the other social forms of assertion.

Now-a-days there is a growing trend to use interconnected home devices.

Green growth involves rethinking growth strategies with regard to the impacts on environmental sustainability and the environmental resources available to poor and vulnerable groups.

Unlike religion and science, poetry does not posit or expect any belief in absolute truths.

The flower was not invented to please us.

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