Prelims 2024

When a child reaches adolescence, there is apt to be a conflict between the parents and the child, since the latter considers himself to be by now quite capable of managing his own affairs, while the former are filled with parental solicitude, which is often a disguise for love of power. Parents consider, usually, that the various moral problems which arise in adolescence are peculiarly their province. The options they express, however, are so dogmatic that the young seldom confide in them, and usually go their own way in secret.

Q1. Based on the above passage, the following assumptions have been made:
1. The adolescent does not feel comfortable with his parents because they tend to be dominating and assertive.
2. The adolescent of modern times does not have much respect for parents.

Which of the assumptions given above is/are valid?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Correct answer: a) 1 only

Q2. Which one of the following statements best reflects the central idea of the above passage?
a) Parents in general may not be of much help when children are on their way to becoming adults.
b) When children reach adolescence, involvement of parents in their lives is unnecessary.
c) Modern-day nuclear families are not capable of bringing up children properly.
d) In modern societies, adolescents tend to be Stubborn, disobedient and careless.
Correct answer: a) Parents in general may not be of much help when children are on their way to becoming adults.

Question from UPSC Prelims 2024 CSAT Paper

Explanation Q1:

Assumption 1: The adolescent does not feel comfortable with his parents because they tend to be dominating and assertive.

This assumption appears to be valid based on the passage. The text mentions:
– There is often conflict between parents and adolescents.
– Parents are filled with “parental solicitude, which is often a disguise for love of power.”
– Parents’ opinions on moral problems are described as “dogmatic.”
– The young “seldom confide in them [parents]” and “usually go their own way in secret.”

These points suggest that parents tend to be dominating and assertive, leading to discomfort in the adolescent.

Assumption 2: The adolescent of modern times does not have much respect for parents.

This assumption is not directly supported by the passage. The text doesn’t mention anything about respect or lack thereof. It only describes a conflict and a tendency for adolescents to keep things secret from their parents. This secrecy could be due to fear, desire for independence, or avoidance of conflict, rather than a lack of respect.

Given this analysis, the correct answer is: a) 1 only

Explanation Q2:

Key points from the passage:
1. There’s often conflict between parents and adolescents.
2. Adolescents believe they can manage their own affairs.
3. Parents are often overprotective, which may mask a desire for control.
4. Parents tend to be dogmatic about moral issues.
5. Adolescents often keep things secret from their parents and go their own way.

Now, let’s evaluate each option:

a) Parents in general may not be of much help when children are on their way to becoming adults.
This statement aligns well with the passage. The text suggests that parents’ approach (being dogmatic, overprotective, and possibly power-loving) leads adolescents to avoid confiding in them and to act secretly. This implies that parents, with this approach, may not be very helpful during this transition to adulthood.

b) When children reach adolescence, involvement of parents in their lives is unnecessary.
This is too extreme. The passage doesn’t suggest that parental involvement is unnecessary, only that there’s often conflict and that the current approach may not be effective.

c) Modern-day nuclear families are not capable of bringing up children properly.
The passage doesn’t mention nuclear families or compare different family structures. This statement goes beyond the scope of the text.

d) In modern societies, adolescents tend to be stubborn, disobedient and careless.
While the passage does suggest that adolescents may act independently of their parents’ wishes, it doesn’t characterize them as stubborn, disobedient, or careless. This statement is too judgmental and not supported by the text.

Among these options, the statement that best reflects the central idea of the passage is: a) Parents in general may not be of much help when children are on their way to becoming adults.

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