Prelims CSAT 2024

Unlike religion and science, poetry does not posit or expect any belief in absolute truths.

Unlike religion and science, poetry does not posit or expect any belief in absolute truths. Those forces or individuals who claim to have absolute truths in their grasp tend to turn dictatorial and tyrannical. Truth usually does not admit any contradictions or imperfections. It is unitarian. It is, therefore, not of much use for poetry.

Unlike religion and science, poetry does not posit or expect any belief in absolute truths. Read More »

Green growth involves rethinking growth strategies with regard to the impacts on environmental sustainability and the environmental resources available to poor and vulnerable groups.

Green growth involves rethinking growth strategies with regard to the impacts on environmental sustainability and the environmental resources available to poor and vulnerable groups. In rethinking growth, we need to focus on the current reality of a resource-constrained world. Resource intensive and, in particular energy intensive processes will need to make way for more efficient

Green growth involves rethinking growth strategies with regard to the impacts on environmental sustainability and the environmental resources available to poor and vulnerable groups. Read More »

Now-a-days there is a growing trend to use interconnected home devices.

Now-a-days there is a growing trend to use interconnected home devices. As consumers increasingly network their homes, the connected home device manufacturers and service providers will seek to overcome “thin profit margins by gathering more of our personal data-with or without our agreement turning the home into a corporate storefront”. Corporate marketers will have powerful

Now-a-days there is a growing trend to use interconnected home devices. Read More »

In a robust democracy, reality, howsoever inconvenient it may be, finds its expression both in the speech of political leaders and the other social forms of assertion.

In a robust democracy, reality, howsoever inconvenient it may be, finds its expression both in the speech of political leaders and the other social forms of assertion. The existence of the real has to be transparent, both through its circulation in and by the media as well as its argumentative articulation in deliberative democracy. A

In a robust democracy, reality, howsoever inconvenient it may be, finds its expression both in the speech of political leaders and the other social forms of assertion. Read More »

Evolution has endowed caterpillars that feed on corn with a unique ability, they can induce the plant to turn off its defence against insect predators.

Evolution has endowed caterpillars that feed on corn with a unique ability, they can induce the plant to turn off its defence against insect predators. This helps caterpillars to eat more and grow faster. The agent that causes this effect is the caterpillar’s faeces or frass. The find could throw new light on compounds associated

Evolution has endowed caterpillars that feed on corn with a unique ability, they can induce the plant to turn off its defence against insect predators. Read More »

Geographers analyzed 175 satellite images of ocean colour, which is an indicator of Phytoplankton productivity

Geographers analyzed 175 satellite images of ocean colour, which is an indicator of Phytoplankton productivity at the ocean’s surface, and found that giant icebergs are responsible for storing up to 20 percent of carbon in the Southern Ocean. The researchers discovered that melting water from giant icebergs which contains iron and other nutrients, supports hitherto

Geographers analyzed 175 satellite images of ocean colour, which is an indicator of Phytoplankton productivity Read More »

When an international team of pumped a carbon dioxide and water mix into underground basalt rocks, basic chemistry took over.

When an international team of pumped a carbon dioxide and water mix into underground basalt rocks, basic chemistry took over. The acidic mixture dissolved rocks’ calcium and magnesium and formed limestone Basically carbon dioxide is converted into stone, exclaimed the scientists. Q. Which one of the following statements best reflects the most logical, rational, and

When an international team of pumped a carbon dioxide and water mix into underground basalt rocks, basic chemistry took over. Read More »

When a child reaches adolescence, there is apt to be a conflict between the parents and the child,

When a child reaches adolescence, there is apt to be a conflict between the parents and the child, since the latter considers himself to be by now quite capable of managing his own affairs, while the former are filled with parental solicitude, which is often a disguise for love of power. Parents consider, usually, that

When a child reaches adolescence, there is apt to be a conflict between the parents and the child, Read More »

Conventional classrooms, by emphasizing fixed duration over learning effectiveness, resign themselves to variable outcomes.

Conventional classrooms, by emphasizing fixed duration over learning effectiveness, resign themselves to variable outcomes. The tyranny of the classroom is that every learner is subjected to the same set of lectures in the same way for the same duration. In the end, a few learners shine, some survive, and the rest are left behind. After

Conventional classrooms, by emphasizing fixed duration over learning effectiveness, resign themselves to variable outcomes. Read More »